"Renewed" account
God bless the answerer, and twice - him who knows! I have XP SP2, firewall, all patches. The problem is, when I one day login to the limited account I use for Internet only, I found it 'renewed', i.e. this account looks like it was created one minute, and not several month ago. Login name & password are the same, moreover, all account data ("Documents & settings\ userX " etc) is intact, I can observe it. I found new account with the same name, which differ only by suffix (extension) <NAME.ZZZZ> where ZZZZ is the name of machine. The situation repeated several months later: one more account <NAME.ZZZZ.0000> was created with the same login & pass. I found the way to undo, and the question is WHY? What is a reason? I'll be very grateful for your answer.1 person needs an answerI do too
May 6th, 2010 5:23am

Your user account is becoming corrupted. This can be caused by malware infection and/or hardware issues such as flaky RAM or a bad hard drive. Be sure the computer is clean: http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Removing_Malware http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Hardware_TshootMS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
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May 6th, 2010 1:51pm

Thank you very much. The RAM and hard are tested, so I suppose this is malware activity or some Windows feature? Have you ever heard about such Wind. feature or malware? Best regards, Pete
May 7th, 2010 5:15am

Malware can do lots of various Bad Things to Windows. To find out if your computer is clean, do the scanning work. Don't skip the preparatory work either. And the RAM and the hard drive are not the only components in a computer, although checking them first is standard troubleshooting.MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 7th, 2010 3:05pm

Thank you a lot. As for RAM testing etc all this is done. May be you know is this behavior a Windows feature ? Pete
May 11th, 2010 3:33am

Hi All. The question is closed. All is clear. Thank you. Pete
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 12th, 2010 7:40am

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